February 09, 2021

10 Business Credit Card Scanner Apps to Consider


  • Business Credit Cards

  • Small Business Technology

What is a Credit Card Scanner App?

If you’d like to accept credit card payments, it’s a good idea to invest in a business credit card scanner app. With a card scanner app, your customers will be able to pay for your products or services from just about any location. A credit card scanner app can also allow your customers to enjoy contactless payments, as they won’t have to hand over their credit cards to pay you. This is particularly important in today’s day and age where COVID-19 is still a major concern. Last but not least, it may expedite the payment process and allow you to serve more customers in a shorter amount of time.

The Top Credit Card Apps for Your Small Business

Fortunately, there are a variety of credit card apps available to business owners. Since they all have their own pros and cons, it’s important to consider all of your options. This way you can make an informed decision for your unique business and customer base. Here’s an overview of ten business credit card scanners apps that should be on your radar.

1. Square

Square is known as a square-shaped plug-in card reader. Founded in 2009 by the co-founder of Twitter, the Square reader is compatible with Apple and Android phones. It charges 2.6% plus $0.10 for every swiped, dipped or tapped payment and 2.9% plus $0.30 per online transaction.

2. SwipeSimple

Powered by Payment Depot, SwipeSimple is a mobile credit card reader with no shortage of features. The company's offerings include SMS and email receipts, an item catalog, inventory tracking, and invoicing. The basic plan is $10 per month plus 2.6% and $0.10 for every swiped, dipped, or tapped transaction.

3. Stripe

Stripe allows you to customize your credit card scanner to match your particular business needs. It’s also backed by 24/7 customer service and fraud detection. When it comes to pricing, Stripe’s fees are 2.9% plus $0.30 for every online credit card transaction and 2.7% plus $0.30 for in-person credit card transactions.

4. PayPal Here

PayPal Here is PayPal’s credit card scanner app for merchants and online shoppers. To use it, you’ll need a PayPal business account and business profile. It allows for customizable receipts and charges a 2.7% fee per every U.S. swipe transaction.

5. Shopify Lite

Created by the eCommerce giant, Shopify, Shopify Lite doesn't come with set up or application fees and supports PayPal payments. The app also allows you to send invoices and accept payments directly from your customers. It costs $9 per month plus 2.7% for every in-person transaction and 2.9% plus $0.30 for online transactions. Credit-Card-Reader-App

6. Helcim 

Canadian-based Helcium offers Helcium Commerce, a robust merchant platform. It includes a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool, online invoicing, recurring payments, and a virtual terminal that allows you to key in credit card transactions with your computer. Helcium costs $20 per month plus processing fees that start at 1.92% plus $0.08 per transaction.

7. Clover 

Clover offers a few advanced features such as inventory management and reporting. It also gives you the chance to store customer's card data and other information at the time of sales. It’s basic plan is $9.95 per month plus 2.7% plus $0.10 for in-person transactions and 3.5% plus $0.10 for keyed-in transactions.

8. Fattmerchant

Founded in 2014 by a Florida tech company, Fattmerchant is a good option if your business accepts high-volume credit card transactions. Its payments are usually processed the next day unless you pay extra for same-day funding. Fattmerchant’s two pricing plans are $99 per month for businesses that process less than $1 million annually and $199 per month for those that process more than $1 million each year.

9. Payanywhere

Owned by Wells Fargo, Payanywhere comes with many features including digital receipts, an inventory library, barcode scanning, and refund processing. Through its central merchant hub, Payanywhere Inside, you can generate sales reports, analyze trends, and manage disputes. Payanywhere charges a 2.69% fee for swipes, chip dips and contactless payments.

10. QuickBooks GoPayment 

QuickBooks GoPayment is a credit card scanner app that syncs with QuickBooks Online, a popular financial software. It makes it easy for you to customize and apply discounts, process ACH and check payments, and send SMS or email receipts. It costs 2.4% plus $0.25 per chip, magstripe, and contactless payment.

Conclusion: Grow Your Business with a Business Credit Scanner App

A business credit scanner app can allow you to keep up with customer trends, become more efficient and grow your business. Before you decide on a mobile card reader or app, you may want to test out a few different apps. That way, you can select an option that will benefit your business long-term.