March 11, 2020
The Importance Of Silence In Negotiation Tactics
It’s especially destructive in the negotiation room, where silence is vastly underrated. In fact, though popular portrayals show otherwise, many expert negotiators swear by the value of silence.
In this post, we'll explore silence as a negotiation tactic.
Silence: A Strong Negotiation Tool
Silence’s strength as a negotiation tool centers around how we interact. Consider how many people you’d feel comfortable sitting in silence with. Chances are, there aren’t many. With most people, whenever there’s a silence, someone will speak up to fill the gap. That desire to fill a void in conversation doesn’t go away during a negotiation. This makes silence a very powerful tool in certain situations. After all, in a negotiation, you want to gather as much information as possible. That way, you can position your offer in a way that appeals to your negotiating partner. By refusing to be the first to speak, you force the issue. In their urgency to fill the void of conversation, your negotiating partner may reveal critical information. That said, silence’s efficacy as a negotiation tool isn’t just about hoping for a slip up. It’s also about emphasizing your position, building trust, and earning respect. Jason Patel, founder of a college and career prep company, encourages people to get comfortable with silence. He explains that filling empty space by explaining your position makes you look less confident. As a result, your words are less effective. Alternatively, when you state your point concisely, each word becomes more valuable. This convinces your negotiating counterparts to pay closer attention to your words. Patel goes a step further. He suggests aiming to be as concise as possible by speaking with as few words as possible. To be clear, though, that doesn’t mean you should be vague. It just means that, the more precise your words are, the better. All that said, you must be strategic about using silence. It’s a great tool to signal your willingness to walk away. Depending on the situation, though, that may not be the signal you want to send.Benefits of Silence in Negotiation Tactics
Silence is just like any other negotiation tool. It has its benefits and drawbacks that depend on the situation. Before you put this new tool into action, it’s important to understand its inherent advantages. By doing so, you’ll know when and how to negotiate pay using silence. In addition, you’ll learn how to incorporate the use of silence into your own personal negotiation style. To that end, in these next few sections we’ll review the benefits of using silence in negotiations. We’ll explain how it helps you build trust, earn respect, persuade others, and emphasize your position.More Rapid Building of Trust
It might seem counterintuitive that silence builds trust, but imagine you’re negotiating to buy a car. All else equal, think about who you would trust more out of these two hypothetical salespeople:- The salesperson who talks continuously without giving you a chance to speak.
- The salesperson who speaks as much or less than they speak.
Increased Levels of Respect
Just like silence helps you build trust, it also helps build respect. In many ways, trust and respect go hand in hand, whether it’s in a negotiation, or any other interaction. An obvious—but often ignored—way that silence earns you respect is because it shows you’re willing to listen. By demonstrating that you’re a willing listener, you show respect to your negotiating partner. This will make them more likely to treat you with respect. After all, when you give respect, you’re more likely to get it in return. Silence can increase levels of respect in indirect ways too. For example, silence gives you time to think. This makes it easier for you to ensure you don’t say something you regret. In turn, you earn respect by minimizing your mistakes. People tend to respect others more when they perceive them as competent and skilled. Also, silence gives you more time to evaluate. This extra time makes it easier for you to overcome unforeseen obstacles by thinking on your feet. With more time to evaluate the situation, you’ll become a better, more thoughtful negotiator. Again, this increases respect levels because it improves your competency as a negotiator. Of course, you still have to use silence strategically to increase levels of respect. If you’re too quiet, or quiet at the wrong times, people may think they can roll over you. They might also falsely assume you agree with them if you don’t speak up. In practice, it’s critical to strike a balance with using silence.