September 20, 2018

4 Skills That Can Be Turned into Lucrative Businesses


  • Small Business Ideas

  • Startup Business

For example, if you’re a skilled writer that constantly had friends asking you to help them with their school essays, you can expand your clientele thanks to online bidding sites like Upwork and Fiverr. In less than a year, you could have multiple clients and earn top industry wages for your work. This is just one example! In this post, we’ll review a few common skills that you can turn into a booming business.

1. Writing

Did you prefer essays to multiple choice tests in school? If you’re a skilled writer, you can turn that gift into income with minimal training or startup costs. Every business today needs an internet footprint; something to drive online customer growth. To rank high in Google searches, company web pages must be frequently updated. The best way to inform customers while appealing to Google search algorithms is by blogging or writing regularly. Outside of the blogosphere, there’s also other types of copy that business owners might need help with, whether it’s advertisements, B2B communications, or just compiling data into a report. You can create your own writing company without renting an office or buying a dozen laptops, but you do need to market yourself. Get comfortable with social media (especially Twitter) and be willing to send a few cold emails. Also, you should always have a portfolio with writing samples ready to send on request!

2. Coding/Programming

Has there ever been a greater need for people who understand the language of computers? If you’re adept in programming and writing code, your skills are needed worldwide. By starting your own coding company, you can take on tasks such as website design, database creation, IT support, and mobile app development. Like a writer, you should keep a portfolio and develop a few customer relationships before acquiring startup capital and hiring employees. You’ll need to spend upfront on training and certifications, so freelancing is a great option if you’re just beginning. Remember, there will be lots of competition in this space, so your work must be excellent. The programming world is no place to cut corners, so you’ll need the most up-to-date certifications and overall knowledge.

3. Driving

Do you have your driver’s license? If so, and you enjoy driving and are good at it, you can make money by driving people around! I’m not just talking about driving for Uber or Lyft either, which are great gigs for making a little side money but not for full-time employment. Drivers are needed for transporting people, but also materials, goods, and consumer products. For example, one of your clients could be an art dealer who needs to transport fragile collectibles from New York to Philadelphia. This isn’t the type of job the dealer wants to entrust to the Post Office or UPS, so they hire a personal service - like yours. Not into long hauls? You could start a driving instruction school and teach teenage drivers how to responsibly get behind the wheel. It’s important to note that driving instructors need state certifications, so make sure you research the requirements for your specific state.

4. Personal Training

Is hitting the gym before work one of your favorite hobbies? If so, you’re in the minority - but that’s a good thing! As more and more research is done about the harmful effects of obesity and inactivity, Americans seeking healthier lifestyles. This presents great opportunities for individuals who are already fitness focused. With a personal training or health coaching business, you can create a profitable enterprise that focuses on helping people reach their fitness goals.

A Few Final Thoughts

Starting your own business can be difficult. Even if you have exceptional talent, running your own company means wearing many different hats. For example, if you start a programming company, you won’t be sitting and coding all day. You’ll be an administrator, fundraiser, manager, and accountant during your startup phase, sometimes all in the same day. Ultimately, you must be willing to go the extra mile if you want to start a business based on one of your skills!