September 07, 2018

How to Market Your Trucking Business


  • Small Business Marketing

  • Transportation Financing

In this post, we’ll share four ways that you can market your trucking business and reach new customers.

4 Ways to Market Your Trucking Business

1. Trucking Load Boards

When marketing your trucking business, meet your customers where they are. Trucking load boards are designed for both trucking companies and customers in need of trucking services. These sites make it easy to promote your business and connect with customers that are specifically looking for your services. The following sites will allow users to search two ways. First, as a transportation business owner, you can search for loads that need to be transported. There’s also an option for customers to visit the site and search for trucks in the area that can pick up a load. The following sites offer this service:

2. Ads in Trade Publications

In the trucking industry, print ads are just as important as online marketing tools. Trade publications are industry specific and designed to educate readers about trucking trends. The benefit of placing ads in these publications is that you’re guaranteed to have an interested audience that’s seeking information on trucking services. When creating your marketing strategy, consider which publications will be the best fit for your ads. For example, you might place ads in trucking industry publications if you’re looking for new drivers. If you’re selling your services, you might want to put your ads in publications focused on the industries you serve. Use this database of trade publications, organized by industry, to find the publications that have the audience that you’re trying to reach. Keep in mind that most trade publications also have an online component. While many subscribers prefer the print version of industry magazines, many people will read the publication online. To reach both audiences, invest in digital advertising, which can target businesses in your geographic area. Check Approval Status

3. Trade Association Events

Like trade publications, trade associations offer the opportunity to get in touch with an engaged audience. For instance, if you want to hire new drivers, you could set up a booth at a trucking industry trade show. If you’re marketing your services to other businesses, you should attend events that are B2B-focused. Check out this list of upcoming trade shows to find those that feature trucking services that your company offers. Create a visually appealing and informative display to attract customers and bring marketing materials to send home with attendees. Being an exhibitor at trade shows can get expensive and time consuming. If you don’t have the time to create an eye-catching display, consider being a sponsor. Often, this will include ads on promotional materials, on-site advertising, and putting your marketing materials in swag bags. Your ads will help attendees remember your business when they’re in need of transportation services. In addition, you should check out the online component of these events. Find out if the organization sells ads on the registration site. By placing ads on these sites, your business will get exposure to each vendor when they sign up.

4. Sponsored Social Media Posts

While industry boards, publications, and events make it easy to find customers already looking for transportation services, social media allows you to reach out to customers who might need trucking services in the future. Sites including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn will allow you to market your company, share your shipping prices, and link to your business’s website so that interested buyers can find additional information. To make the most of social media for your trucking business, consider publishing paid advertisements. When you create a sponsored post, you’ll be able to target your audience based on geographic location, profession, and interest in the trucking industry.

5. Start Marketing Your Trucking Business

These are just a few strategies that you can use to market your trucking business. There are many companies in need of trucking services you just need to find them! If you have other marketing tips for fellow trucking business owners, tell us about them in the comment section below.