June 16, 2016

Cheers to 8 Years! Celebrating Fora Financial


  • Small Business Loans

June is a big month for Fora Financial, as it marks our eighth year in business! It’s hard to believe that back in 2008, our founders Jared Feldman and Dan Smith were just starting the company, then known as Paramount Merchant Funding. From college roommates to company co-founders, they have built Fora Financial from the ground up, and have helped business owners across the country get the working capital they need to grow their operations. Our eighth anniversary comes at an exciting time – this month, we reached two major funding milestones. Fora Financial has provided more than 10,000 business owners with over $500 million in business funding! Each year, we have grown significantly, surpassing the previous year’s funding amounts. To reach these two milestones just in time for our eighth anniversary is very exciting; and we are confident that we are already well on our way to providing more customers with even more funding! We pride ourselves on supplying business owners with small business loans and merchant funding that can be tailored to their individual needs. We know all businesses aren’t the same, so we do not provide them with the same financing. At Fora Financial, we strive to give each and every business owner the personalized service they deserve, so that they can utilize our funding products in ways that will benefit their individual business. With that, we aim to be as transparent as possible with our underwriting and customer service processes. Fora Financial’s success wouldn’t be possible without our over 120 employees, located in our Manhattan and Georgia office locations. Each year, we have grown our staff significantly across each department. Due to our continually growing business, we make sure that our staff grows too; so that we have ample associates to serve our expanding customer base. As we celebrate this exciting time, we’d like to extend our gratitude to our valued customers; without you our success would not be possible!