March 28, 2022

How to Create a Successful Wholesale Marketing Strategy


  • Small Business Marketing

  • Wholesale Loans

Although it may seem simple, your business’s niche and current industry trends can affect your ability to accrue new customers. That’s why having an effective wholesale marketing strategy is so crucial to your business’s success. Often, the term “marketing” can seem less effective when compared to fast sales tactics. However, investing in a wholesale marketing strategy will help you to attract customers in the long-term. This will lead to more consistent sales overtime. When you start a wholesale marketing plan, you should focus on several smaller tactics that, together, create a continual, profitable flow. By creating a succinct strategy, you can get desired results without pushing potential patrons away. With that in mind, here are a few wholesale marketing ideas you should consider.

5 Tips for Creating a Wholesale Marketing Strategy:

1. Get Active on Social Media

There are many ways to use social media platforms to reach your ideal customer base. These include both sponsored and organic efforts. For instance, you can consistently post content to your social media pages, such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. These organic posts can include information, such as:
  • Limited time offers
  • Information about your wholesale product
  • Open job positions
  • Relevant industry articles
  • Customer service information
Another way to utilize organic social media marketing is to join, create, and post in social media groups. In LinkedIn and Facebook groups, you can connect with retail store owners, fellow wholesale suppliers, and others in your target audience. This will help you earn new customers, while also networking with other industry professionals. If you have money that you can allot for paid social media efforts, create sponsored posts. When you craft this content, you can target specific demographics, such as age, geographic location, and occupation. Remember, marketing is a process, and often a slow one at that. By gathering information about your existing customers’ interests and needs, you can make long-term investments in your wholesale business.

2. Create a Company Website

Like joining social media groups, you can start a website to give patrons information about your wholesale products. When you create a company website, you should ensure that the design, content, and navigation reflects your brand. If you or your employees aren’t experienced with web-design, consider using your marketing budget to hire a designer. Below, you’ll find a few suggestions of pages and features that you should include on your company website:
  • Product Pages: On these pages, you should include your wholesale prices, photos, and reviews of the wholesale items that you sell. In addition, you might want to give website visitors to place orders through your site, from these product pages.
  • Contact Information: Make it easy for visitors to contact your company. On this page, you can include company phone numbers, email addresses, and links to your social media profiles.
  • Company “About Us” Page: Most customers want to feel a personal connection to the businesses they work with. On your website, you can use your “About Us” page to provide the origin story of your company. In addition, you can share your company values and how you strive to serve your customers.
  • Email Subscription CTA: You can place a subscription CTA on your site to gather email addresses from website visitors. By doing this, you can send them email newsletters and special offers that you don’t share anywhere else.

3. Advertise Locally

Marketing to your customers should be as personal as possible. When using the Internet, the best way to create that personalized feel is through email marketing. Advertising in your local, geographic area is a great way to attract your target audience. For example, you can try strategies such as:
  • Cold calling or cold emailing
  • Canvassing
  • Attending industry trade shows
  • List your business in an industry directory
  • Place ads in local newspapers or business to business (B2B) magazines
Anything you can do to spread the word about your wholesale business to potential customers is usually well worth the investment!

4. Send Direct Mail

Sending direct mail is a timeless wholesale marketing strategy. It remains a popular tactic, even in today’s digital society. Wholesale distributors know there is a risk that your advertisements can attract people who aren’t authorized retail businesses. If that person decides to use your wholesale discounts, it can ruin the relationship you have with your middle-man (retailers). By sending direct mail to specific office addresses, you make sure the advertisement reaches your targeted customers. New call-to-action

Conclusion: Invest in Your Wholesale Marketing Strategy

Every successful wholesale business owner relies on marketing tactics that collectively create a solid strategy. Wholesale distribution is no different. By selecting ideas that fit your brand, you can build your own strategy to find and attract your ideal customers. Editor’s Note: This post was updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness in March 2022.